Month: September 2013

Getting Real

Sometimes I find that I too often compare myself to other photographers. I know that I still have to work on improving my skills. I know that I’ve not arrived either. But I also know that I have come a long way. With time and experience, I’ll keep moving forward. I used to fret about how much or how little business I had in a week or a month (especially compared to photographer friends). But whether I have 2 people or 10 people for a mini-session, whether I have booked 20 people in a month or one, I know that my God will supply all my needs. He knows what I need to keep my business afloat (workshops, equipment, website, domain names, marketing materials taxes, and of course, clients).

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I just had to stop comparing myself to what other photographers’ businesses looked like. I’m not that person. I’m me {Wold’s Photo Arts}, wife, mother of 7, homeschool mom, daughter of the Most High and so much more. God has truly blessed me with wonderful clients–and repeat clients at that–plus referrals. How awesome is that!?! And when it comes down to it, when I’m with my client and photographing their session, I’m not thinking about what other photographers are doing, I’m thoroughly enjoying my time with them–being silly, having fun.

I’m stopping time, as it were, with photography–this passion God has given to me. I was hired to commemorate this moment in their life. I’ve gotten to see babies born, children grow, kids turning into teens, teens graduating, young couples and parents who watch all of this in love.

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I truly am blessed with what God has done for my business, how He has brought people into my life to help me (with the technical, the business, or the encouragement stuff), and how He continues to bring me just what I need for that time. Feeling very humbled.

Luke 12:22, 31 – “Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear… But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.’ ” (NIV 2011)


A Tale of Two Photographers

Where does one begin? You have a seasoned photographer on one hand and a small business start photographer on the other.

I had just gone into business when I asked David Jensen Photography to photograph my son’s graduation pictures. Since my son had requested that I take his senior photos, David gave me the opportunity to step in and photograph my son at a couple of the locations [while he photographed me photographing my son which were added to his album]. I wanted to get a sense of how David works with seniors and to experience the whole process for myself (from the other side of the lens).

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Below are ones I took that day.

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And ones I’ve taken this year.
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Fast forward about 3 years later. I received a phone call from David Jensen asking if I would be interested in 2nd shooting a wedding with him. Words cannot express the honor I felt at being asked. The terms were set forth for this collaboration, and he gave me time to think about it.

After taking some time to make the decision, I gave him a call and was given the details of the timeline for the day. David is a caring and soft-spoken man. He made sure the bride was comfortable and gave her tips on how to make her day even better. He is very easy going and was a pleasure to work with. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and the wonderful couple, their family and friends. I was very blessed.

I must say, that I prefer 2nd shooting over main shooting a wedding and would jump at the chance to do it again. David gave me a report from the bride before she even saw her images that she was thankful that David and I took the time and care that we did to make her day even more special. She was glad that I was there and the encouragement I gave to her while we were waiting for her to walk down the aisle. Yay for team work!!

Thanks again to David for considering me for 2nd shooting the wedding. Here are just a couple of images that I’m willing to share that were captured that day.
